It is expected that every student enrolling into this Institution will conduct herself /himself in a dignified and exemplary manner.
No political or union activities will be allowed and students found repeatedly falling short of their standards of behavior, conduct and attitude shall be governed by the rules and regulations formulated by the Institution authorities.
Each student is responsible for the proper handling of any apparatus or equipment that student may be using in different nursing areas for learning purpose. Students who , by misuse or negligence in handling the apparatus or equipment and there by resulting in their loss have to replace the item at their own expense.
Students are not allowed to leave the theory or practical hours without permission. All fees should be cleared before filling the annual examination form.
Conduct & Discipline
Students are responsible to the principal for behavior in & outside the Institute like hostel clinical and other areas related to the Institution and training. They discharge their duties conscientiously taking a healthy interest in curricular & extracurricular activities. Visitors & telephone calls will not be entertained in the class rooms, and clinical areas during working hours. Other days as per the rules and regulations which is already explained. In case of emergency permission may be obtained.
Institution will not be responsible for the loss of any valuables in the premises that belong to the students. They are not allowed to receive gifts or rewards of any kind from patients or from patient relatives. Use of alcohol, tobacco drugs etc. or any substance thereby is strictly prohibited in the premises of the Institution. |